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Andreas R. Kremer


Im Zollhafen 10    50678 Köln

Andreas Kremer was born near Cologne in 1960. He completed a Diploma in Computer Sciences at the Technical University of Cologne and worked in the economy for many years. In 2013 he became deeply involved with photography again, quitted his IT-job and hasn’t put down his camera since.

Since 2015 Andreas is photographing commercially in the field of Interior Design. Aside this, he prefers to do personal projects. Influenced by the conceptual approach of the Düsseldorfer school he created two series, “Equinox” and "Individual Ornament". “Equinox” is condensing day and night situations of the same subject in one photography, “Individual Ornament” creates unusual overviews on sceneries of the consumer and leisure world.

In parallel, Andreas immersed himself in Japanese photography, impressed by the work of Hosoe, Araki and Moriyama. He visited Japan several times. Based on this body of work he is currently editing a photobook to be published in 2019.

Andreas images were awarded, selected and featured by several international photocontests, exhibitions and magazines.

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