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Sandra Molinaro

Wir laden Sie zu unserer ersten Ausstellung Precious von Sandra Molinaro ein.


02.03.2024 - 30.06.2024


The NARANDER ART EXPERIENCE team invites you - Welcome to our opening. In our first exhibition Precious we present selected works by Sandra Molinaro.


The group of works “Precious” by Sandra Molinaro is a homage to the beauty and value of the natural environment, i.e. the earth, its resources and the creatures that live in it. The artist emphasizes how important it is to appreciate and preserve our environment. Her artworks are reminiscent of the powerful positive energy that nature has radiated for centuries.

Molinaro uses high-quality materials and places particular emphasis on colorfast color pigments. Many of her works feature a top made of crystal clear epoxy/resin, creating a glass effect. By using pure 24-carat gold leaf, it gives many works a luxurious and shiny effect that enhances the ambience of the rooms. In addition, she creates interesting structures by using different materials.

Her works of art leave a lot of room for personal interpretation. Due to complex shift work, many details can only be recognized through closer and longer observation. Some works appear minimalistically reduced, while others are more dense.



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